While the very existence of the Jewish nation is threatened, the world thinks somewhat differently.
Zechariah, as virtually all prophets, proclaims the merciless judgment of God upon His nation, but always concludes with comfort and hope for Israel.
Zechariah, as virtually all prophets, proclaims the merciless judgment of God upon His nation, but always concludes with comfort and hope for Israel.
The enemies’ desire to destroy Israel as a state causes the opposite to occur: Jews return to the land of their fathers, the Promised Land.
The enemies’ desire to destroy Israel as a state causes the opposite to occur: Jews return to the land of their fathers, the Promised Land.
What is the reason for God leading with Israel, even today?
Many statements from the news media reveal that antisemitism is on the increase in countries that have little to no relations with Israel or the Jewish people.
According to a survey, 33% of Israelis have reported a strengthened faith in God since the October 7 massacre...
“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.”