How the War in Gaza Opened the Egyptians’ Eyes
About refugees from Gaza, and a remarkable ministry trip through Egypt at the start of 2024.
I’d like to begin this account with Hosea 11:1b: “Out of Egypt I called my son.” Egypt has always been known for its hospitality. We can read that Abraham was once in Egypt, and later Joseph, and then his father with the other clans of Israel. Moses was born in Egypt, and Joseph and Mary eventually went there with Jesus as refugees (cf. Matt 2:13-15). In light of this, I invite all of you to visit my homeland and enjoy its hospitality for yourselves.
In February, I was able to conduct an intensive evangelistic trip to Egypt, visiting various places. There’s so much I could write about the six outreach events I led, but I’ll try to rein it in and keep things brief.
This time I saw Egypt through completely different eyes. So many new changes have taken place, the likes of which I’ve hardly seen in Europe—for example, new highways with six lanes in each direction. As a result, routes between cities have greatly improved. Several bridges have even been built in the major city of Cairo, helping with the flow of traffic.
On the spiritual side, I was able to observe a great revival in the Church of Jesus. After many years, the Christian community has finally been permitted to renovate its parish halls or even build new churches. Permits are required, of course, but it’s finally possible. And I was pleased that in every service I attended—no matter which church—prayers were said for the president and his government.
One special event I was able to arrange was a meeting with a pastor from Gaza. He told me how Hamas had hidden one of its weapons caches behind his church, and had done the same in the basement of a large hospital. Although Israel usually doesn’t attack churches, hospitals, or mosques, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issued a very clear warning, calling on people like this pastor to evacuate their homes. They were to head south to Rafah, which borders Egypt. Afterwards, the IDF bombed both the hospital and the building where this pastor’s church was located. But the true targets were the Hamas weapons depots there, according to this pastor, and not the church or hospital.
Thanks to gifts from other believers, a group of young Egyptian Christians (some of whom work for the Red Cross) have been able to help Gazan church members who have lost their homes. They’re providing jackets, clothing, mattresses, and blankets, as well as a great deal of food. Vegetable soup was being cooked and served from a large pot every day.
Another Egyptian team hosted a time of songs and games for the children, as well as a time of devotion and praise for the adults. You can see from the photos that it’s a difficult situation, but God’s children are one body, whether from Gaza or Egypt.
A Christian school on the Egyptian side of the border has been evacuated, so that refugees can shower and sleep there. This hospitality was naturally extended to Muslims as well, as fellow human beings for whom our Lord shed His blood. Jesus wants to help all people: “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him” (Acts 10:38).
Unfortunately, some Muslim refugees from Gaza have been observed fighting and robbing each other. I even know of two cases of rape, despite the great hardship in the community. It’s a great burden the Egyptian government continues to bear, and they’ve needed to provide additional police protection to help these Muslims in their time of need. It has resulted in Egyptians opening their eyes to the circumstances of their fellow Muslims in Gaza, and to the suffering that Israel has had to endure alongside them. Many acknowledge that Israel was right to attack.
Despite everything that’s happening, we can’t take our eyes off our compass: God’s Word. The Lord is approaching His goal and will achieve the promise He made in Isaiah 19:25: “Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance.”
Thank you for all your prayers and for supporting Midnight Call’s ministry to the Arabic peoples.
Midnight Call - 10/2024