When discussing evangelism, it is important to begin with an understanding of both the divine and human attitude. Understanding the divine and human attitudes in evangelism is foundational for the proclamation of the gospel.
Jesus is coming again! And when He returns, all distress and affliction will come to an end. The hope of His return is our ultimate encouragement to persevere.
There is a dependence and longing that is beneficial; namely, for the Word of God. Psalm 119 speaks of this in nearly every verse, especially in its last eight verses. An exposition.
In Jeremiah 33:6-9, we carefully note the repeated “I will” of God regarding Israel. He will cleanse, He will pardon, and He shall give them “a name of joy, a praise and an honor before all the nations of the earth.” That is future.
Are you looking for peace? A perfect world? Freedom? Certainty? There’s One who can give you all of that and more. An invitation.
When a person exclaims, “How long, O Lord?” that indicates the struggle to endure “various trials” with joy and endurance. Even when difficulties seem endless, God knows precisely when they will cease.
The Lord Jesus’ birth was the greatest miracle of all time: almighty, omnipresent, omniscient God became a baby.
Why are the most sacred days of worship dedicated to this child in a manger? Christmas is celebrated all over the world, but what makes the child so special?
The time came when God sent His Son Jesus into the world as Redeemer. That was the culmination of all history.
Calvin was only twenty-seven when he wrote his magnum opus which provided one of the most systematic expositions of Protestant theology. His theology was the political and social ethic for the early American colonies.
At the beginning of its history, Lebanon was a prosperous place for all its citizens. But with the rise of Hezbollah and Islamic influence in the country, circumstances worsened for the Christian population.
Daniel 8 is an encouragement, because the prophecy contained there teaches to trust God when life becomes difficult, for the simple reason that He is sovereign over all things. God can be trusted absolutely!
Each second that passes is gone forever. How we sometimes wish we could stop time! The coming and going, the separations, exhaustion, wear and tear… It can provoke despondency and sorrow. But we can take courage when we focus on God’s realities.
Second Timothy 2:8 reminds us of the four most important things to remember: “Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel.”
The general consensus is that the name “Palestine” comes from the Philistines, and means something like “land of the Philistines.” But we should wonder, is our assumption about the name correct?
A “bad call” is an idiom for a poor decision or idea. In the world of sports, a bad call is an informal term used to describe a referee decision (or “call”) that was an obvious error and often radically impacts the result of a game.
The incredible phenomenon of prophecy has already convinced many doubters and skeptics, bringing them to faith in Jesus Christ. The author of this article is one of them.
Aren’t we on the verge of the time of the Antichrist, global government, and global control? Mankind is being increasingly primed to accept a system of deception.
Despite all the supposed justification that Israel is deserving of critique, it should be known that anyone who attacks Israel’s position is working to strengthen Israel’s enemies, and by extension our own.
Pride is the reason the majority, if not all, experience failure. Divine discipline is never pleasant, yet it does make the end result better than the beginning of that reproof, since God always does so with gracious intent.
We can’t stop the trends of this world. But getting angry about our powerlessness leads to violent thoughts. We can do something to counter violence in our own little worlds, in our own spheres.
End-time deception and apostasy from the faith are intensifying. What does biblical prophecy say about how far along we are today, and how we can resist being deceived ourselves?
History teaches us that fortifications aren’t a sure defense. There isn’t a single fortress that will stand forever and not eventually fail.
The ancient Babylonians believed that dreams were messages from the gods; therefore, a true understanding of the vision would be vital. Daniel 2 continues to emphasize that the Lord alone controls all things.
Every ideology throughout world history is inspired by other-worldly powers that rule the earth. And we see this influence all the more clearly when the authority or government is anti-Christian.
Every ideology throughout world history is inspired by other-worldly powers that rule the earth. And we see this influence all the more clearly when the authority or government is anti-Christian.
Does Hamas’ brutal attack have prophetic significance? Does God’s Word say anything about the situation in Israel?
What Paul initially wrote to the Thessalonians is also relevant to us today. A glimpse into a comforting and prophetic, apostolic letter.
Critics of Scripture have always been eager to introduce doubt regarding the accuracy of the Bible more so than any other work of antiquity.
If we speculate, wondering where Europe, the EU, or the UN are in the Bible, we should consider the possibility that the EU could dissolve and something new could emerge within days.
Does Hamas’ brutal attack have prophetic significance? Does God’s Word say anything about the situation in Israel?
Due to the advent of social media, how a person is “known” has changed remarkably.
Some assert that God doesn’t exist because they haven’t seen Him. But when there’s a watch with all of its wonderful mechanisms and moving parts, nobody doubts the existence of a watchmaker.
Arab hatred of Jews is a religiously-branded version of Goebbels’ anti-Semitism. Western intellectuals who criticize Israel are usually ignoring this connection.
Some assert that God doesn’t exist because they haven’t seen Him. But when there’s a watch with all of its wonderful mechanisms and moving parts, nobody doubts the existence of a watchmaker.
The faculty of sight is one of the greatest gifts from the Creator. The eyes provide the ability to see a beautiful sunset, the splendor of a red rose, or the face of a loved one.
Jesus’ Ascension has a more profound meaning in view of biblical prophecy, and for our lives, than it seems at first glance.
It is the spirit of Satan that incites people to attempt to destroy the Jewish people. The spirit from below contends with God and His plan to save the world.
The Bible reveals the future to give proper motivation and perspective for the here and now.
Notable parallels between the incident of Paul at the Areopagus and the world today, and what it means for us.
What the dry bones in Ezekiel 37 and Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38—39 communicate about present-day Israel.
Who belongs to it, and who will they be? An exploration.