Climate Change and the Bible – Part 3
“Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun” (Psalm 19:4).
Biblical Conclusion on Climate Change
As concluded, the role of the sun must not be overlooked in any discussion about climate change. Does the Bible agree?
The sun is mentioned 148 times in the Bible. It is portrayed predominantly as a blessing to mankind … stable and beneficial. Apart from once “standing still” (See Joshua 10:12-14), it has steadily provided light and energy to the world. It is only in the apocalyptic and prophetic texts that the sun is shown to be harmful or catastrophic.
The obvious conclusion, therefore, is that the sun will not play any role in the destruction of the world or the judgments until the Tribulation period at the earliest. By extension, a “global climate crisis” (given its enormity as declared by the climate doomsters) cannot happen—if at all—until after the start of the Tribulation.
According to the Bible, a global climate crisis—as is imagined by the climate doomsters—cannot happen any time before. Also important to recognize is that were such a crisis actually to occur, it would discredit the holy reputation of Jesus Christ. How so?
Listening to the alarmists, we are asked to believe that the entire planet is headed for a catastrophe … that the eradication of mankind is nigh. Given the purported earthwide impact of global warming, why would Jesus Christ (“the Spirit of prophecy,” Revelation 19:10) not have mentioned this development in the Olivet Discourse, or elsewhere in the Bible?
All other apocalyptic and existential events of global scope are prophesied in the Bible.
This writer therefore concludes that the Bible does not prophecy a global climate crisis occurring any time before the Tribulation, if at all. And, flatly stated, it is not occurring now.
However, the fact that there will be no crisis does not mean that there will not be any global climate changes … or heat extremes, or wildfires, or cooling phases, or floods, etc. over periods of time. There will be climate changes and related impacts, as the earth itself testifies to what has happened in the past. There is no reason to assume that climate changes will not continue to follow their natural course.
Were there to be a global climate crisis that would kill off mankind, God would have to disclosed this to His prophets in advance. As the Bible says: “Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). We can therefore know that God has not prophesied a terminal climate crisis.
Christians on Climate Change
What are the perspectives on climate change held by the Christian community today? We don’t wish to be sticklers for no apparent reason. Yet, we do note that many prophecy commentators make speculative and unfounded statements about “global climate changes.” They tend to be influenced by the histrionic statements reported in the media.
Christian responses to climate change, in this writer’s opinion, are often allegorical or non-literal. A recent article in Christianity Today agrees that there is no specific mention in the Bible about global warming. But then it states that the world will be burned up, citing 2 Peter 3:10: “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.”1
Careful readers will note that this verse would be taken far out of context if it were used to support the global warming crisis thesis today. The verse refers to the time post-Millennium, when all is renewed and the New Jerusalem descends from on high.
As such, there is no Biblical or scientific case to be made for a global warming crisis … nor as a specific end-time sign. (Note: The Roman Catholic Church is a major supporter of global responses to counteract climate change; it does not recognize literal, premillennial eschatology.)
Finally, consider the maxim, “Do no harm.” If there is no probable theory or sure solution, don’t amputate … do not spend $50 trillion … do not compromise the environment with lithium batteries … carcasses of wind turbines … and ignite massive, harmful inflation.
Here are “giveaway” signs that we often observe in matters of repressed truth and conspiracy: extreme emotionalism, hype and hysteria, corruption, fear of losing one’s job, “tar and feather” ridicule … and, above all, significant financial distortions that reveal a breakdown of productivity and wasted money.
What We Should Do Individually
Where this writer lives (the Okanagan Valley, which is shared by Washington State and British Columbia), there has definitely been an increase in forest fires and temperature highs in the summer in recent years.
This has also been paralleled by extreme cold snaps during winter, which have been disastrous for the fruit industries. This past winter, 97% of vineyards in the region perished due to extreme cold. (It is the 3rd largest vine-growing region in North America.)
Even though this writer does not believe there is an extraordinary nor manmade climate crisis underway in the world, he nonetheless does take precautions. Living in the Okanagan Valley, care should be taken to remove all combustible materials from the property … to cut down trees that are too close to residential buildings … and, to ensure there is plenty of water and readied water hoses.
Such preparations are only sensible and logical. We cannot know exactly when trends will reverse or worsen over the short-term. Preparedness makes sense. And, just because one may hold the position that there is no “climate crisis,” does not mean that one may not support clean energy and/or environmentalism.
Thoughts to Ponder
If there is a logical answer that makes sense, why search for a more complicated one? This is the principle behind Occam’s Razor. If a hypothesis makes simple sense, why seek for a more complex theory? This applies to the “climate change” theories as well. Solar and the earth’s orbital patterns may explain and verify many facts. Then, why preoccupy oneself with more complex and unprovable theories?
“God has pitched a tent for the sun.” It continues to have an enduring role in God’s creation. “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease” (Genesis 8:22).
There is no climate “crisis,” as the new media likes to play up in their reporting. Clearly, to say this would be an exaggeration. Moreover, there is no firm and proven science as of yet that would allow any certain solutions. As Dr. Steven E. Koonin says, the topic of global warming is “unsettled” at best. Most certainly, the claim that “science” can finely manage global temperatures is fanciful.
Why then is there such an adamant push to spend trillions of dollars “fighting climate change,” when many of the proposed solutions cannot be proven effective in advance?
Yes, no doubt there may be many over-exuberant policymakers and scientists who are convinced of their cause. However, there are also those who push forth initiatives, fully knowing that the underlying “science” is faulty. This is dishonest.
Why? There is enormous money and influence on the line. As mentioned, “fighting climate change” involves unprecedented amounts of money … globally coordinated like never before in history.
The trillions of spending is being driven by the goals set by the United Nations (Paris Agreement) and many other agencies. Their aim is to substantially reduce global gas emissions … whether possible or not.
It may be said that the climate debates have all the hallmarks of dishonesty and ignorance. There is emotionalism, corruption, and ad hominem attacks. If a policymaker or scientist dares to make a counter-argument against the self-anointed consensus, they risk being pilloried and ridiculed … made pariahs. One-sided bias is evident seemingly everywhere (no doubt also here in this article, though not intentional).
It’s mostly about money and control. Many climate consultants are becoming enriched on bogus recommendations, and secular globalists seek control over the whole earth. God has a plan for them. “The LORD foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations” (Psalm 33:10-11).
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech; they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun” (Psalm 19:1-4).
1 https://www.christianity.com/wiki/christian-life/what-does-the-bible-say-about-climate-change.html
Midnight Call - 09/2024