Emergent 10 Kings: Endtime Election Escapades – Part 1

Wilfred Hahn

It will be obvious to most that the world faces tumultuous times. Major developments are coming into focus … visible for those who have “eyes to see.” Ezekiel 12:2 is still pertinent to our time. “Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people.”

Study of Bible prophecy can provide contemporary insights, we believe. Yet most people, unfortunately, will have little idea of the “toxic brew” that is being concocted for just this time … and near future. We are now living in that last sliver of time just before the regime represented by the 7th head (Revelation 17) bursts onto the scene. 

This is the time of the 10 kings. In terms of political economy, we have dubbed this era as leading to minilateralism. What is this? It is the geopolitical fragmentation of international relationships, which we believe will eventually pave the way for the emergence of the 10 kings (10K).

Minilateralism represents the next stage following globalism (a phase which is now stagnating). Conditions for this occurrence are rapidly falling into place. We briefly explain how the minilateral system unfolded.

During much of the 20th century, global affairs were mainly shaped by a bipolar international system. Superpowers dominated. Then, as of the 1990s, geopolitical affairs moved toward a unipolar course, where the United States had the role of a sole global leader.

For a number of reasons, this pushed the expansion of minilateralism: where smaller groups of countries could pursue their interests with other like-minded nations, without being limited by different values or the interference of the United States. Minilateralist initiatives were more agile and adaptable.

Not infrequently overlooked is the fact that the 10K coalition takes shape before the Antichrist makes his appearance. As such, focusing on the 10 Kings is likely to be more germane for our time than looking for the identity of the Antichrist. As it is, we are to be looking for our Redeemer … not the Antichrist. In any case, the 10 kings are likely to emerge first.

Of great interest is the fact that we are living and experiencing these prophecies today. We live during the period that the Bible shows as being under the lineage of Rome. How do we know?

We will attempt to provide an explanation that will not confuse the reader. It is a difficult topic, as we must also consider all the kings mentioned in Revelation 17 … not just the 10K. In total, there are 18 kings mentioned.

A key to understanding this chapter is to keep apart two groups of kings: First, there are 7 kings that are shown as heads on the beast in Revelation 17. These we have dubbed the Ruler Kings (RK). They hold power (rulership) consecutively, and then at the end, are followed by an 8th king (also a ruler king).

The second group of sovereigns mentioned in Revelation 17 are 10 kings that are shown as horns. All 10 of these horns reside on the 7th head. We have called this group the 10K.

Now we come back to our identification of Roman lineage applying to the last three Ruler Kings—the 6th, and 7th head the 8th king (which is of the seven Ruler Kings). As the 10 kings (10K) are on the seventh head, they are also of Roman lineage.

To re-emphasize, there are actually 3 stages of Ruler Kings in the Roman period. The Bible outlines 3 final Roman related Ruler King regimes that take place consecutively: first, the 6th head [who is now] on the beast shown in Revelation 17 (and also several other depictions). Second, the 7th head follows the 6th, which itself is comprised of a coalition of 10 kings that are shown as 10 horns. This latter group then gives rise to an 8th king mentioned in Revelation 17:11, as he belongs to the 7 kings shown as 7 heads, who is the Antichrist.

This last sequence is plainly revealed in Daniel 7:8: “[…] there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them [10 kings].” Hopefully, the reader will find these explanations helpful.

We return to the topic of the 10 kings. Why? As has been mentioned, this topic likely is very timely. The 10 kings will emerge very soon. Indeed, some may already be on the scene! A frequent question on this topic that has challenged Bible prophecy readers is this: What are the identities of the 10 kings? Just which countries will together form a 10-country coalition? All kinds of answers have been offered over the centuries, but virtually all of them have been wrong. As most always is the case, the identification of the kings focuses on current and recent history.

We have published much research on this topic over the years. Our conclusion has been that it is possible to exclude nations that are not qualified to become members of this coalition.  But it is not possible to confirm the identity of any one country being a member of the 10K—candidates, yes, but not certifiably so. As such, there is much speculation and wrong teaching on this matter.

Yet, the Bible is very clear about the existence and nature of this rebellious group. The 10 kings—10 nations that are led by human beings (not demons)—are heads of state for 10 different countries.

As a short summary, we would not be surprised to see that most if not all of these 10 members end up coming from Roman Offshoot countries. But which exactly? We cannot know. However, this writer does believe that some of the birth pangs of this coalition can already be discerned today.

Of course, a related question of great interest is whether the United States will be one of these 10 kings (10K). We have always concluded that this indeed will not be the case … presuming, of course, that some truly cataclysmic event doesn’t happen first. 

The main reason the US does not qualify as a 10-king (10K) nation is that it is too large. After all, presently it is a single superpower that doesn’t need to be part of a global coalition. In fact, if anything, it could be very plausible that part of the reason that a 10-king coalition emerges is precisely that: There exists a large superpower that dictates or hinders or doesn’t comply with the wishes of the rest of the world. The 10K may therefore be a collaboration designed to circumvent the US geopolitically. There are other possible reasons as well. However, we do see that the “minilateralism” trend experienced today (as mentioned earlier) is the best fitting explanation.

The most compelling proof that the US will not be a member of the 10-king coalition comprising the 7th head is simple podiatry. What do feet have to do with this topic? The reader will surely know that the 10 kings or horns are also shown as 10 toes in Daniel 2:41-42.  

America: If the Shoe Fits
Let’s continue applying our laymen’s podiatry—the study and treatment of feet. We recall that Daniel saw 10 toes in the prophetic image of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. We know that the 10 toes are a parallel symbol to that of the 10 horns, shown in both Daniel and Revelation. 

As such, it is a prophecy provided through symbols and graphics. Symbols must have literal meanings, as is the case with all symbols in Scripture. This being so, we can then draw meaningful conclusions by simply looking at symbols. 

As such, Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of a large human statue made of various materials (Daniel 2) contains a very important clue (among others).

Studying this picture, one is likely to uncover an ill-fitting fact. Were Nebuchadnezzar’s vision to apply to our day, we would note that the feet would be quite lopsided and deformed. Why? There would be a big, outsized toe if the United States were a member of this group.

Consider that a foot has one big toe and four progressively smaller ones. While there are size differences in our toes, none are so large that they are bigger than the foot itself, for instance. Proportionality must be observed.

Every indication that the Bible gives us about the final, last-day, 10-king power coalition is that each member is roughly proportionate in size. First, in Daniel 2 we are shown a normal set of 10 toes. In Daniel 7 as well as Revelation 12, 13, and 17, they are shown as 10 typical horns. 

However, a little later—continuing the “horn” imagery—the 10 horns are implicitly compared to an emerging 11th horn, which is said to have been small and which then uproots three of the existing horns (see the previously quoted verse, Daniel 7:8).

As such, we are led to recognize that the final 10 kings will not be small in size, nor is there any indication that the size of the horns will not be normal. We can reasonably conclude that the visions do not allow for outsized toes and feet, nor any grotesquely enlarged horns. The size differences would be normal … just as the big toe is bigger than the smallest of the toes. 

But that is not what we would observe were Nebuchadnezzar’s vision to apply to our era in the world today. Presently, significant size differences would be noted. Consider that only one, hugely outsized big toe would be visible. It certainly could not fit into the end-time glass slipper.

Given America’s status as a superpower and its huge economic influence upon the earth, it must be concluded that America today could not qualify as a member. It is just too large to be a big toe on either of the two feet that Nebuchadnezzar saw. A foot with such a large toe would not be functional.

It therefore must also be concluded that America likely will no longer be the most influential power in the world. While the specific reasons for this shrinking are not known, in one way or another, this country will diminish in terms of international influence. If it is not to be a member of the 10-king coalition, it will surely be subject to its rule. 

Our generation is currently living at the tail end of the 6th “head’s” rule … and the 7th is about to be unveiled in the near future. There is yet one more world ruler that follows the 7th head (but not shown as a head). This one is very evil—the Antichrist.

Ten sovereign kings (nation rulers) will pool their power together and then agree to put it at the disposal of the Antichrist (Revelation 17:13). Interestingly, a power coalition of the type prophesied here is a unique arrangement in global geopolitical history.

The general pattern throughout world history has been that only one nation would dominate the known world or its regions at that time. Even in our modern age, this has been the case. It has been a long, long time since the world has not been dominated by one prominent and powerful country.

Viewing developments in the world today, after one hundred years of rapid globalization, international relationships and nation groups are fragmenting as perhaps never before. 

What is the agenda? Many nations are rankled with the global institutions (International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the United Nations, and many others) that are dominating policy and have proven to be inflexible at times. Most of these organizations were launched in the late 1940s (prompted by the horrors of the two World Wars). Already in the early 1950s, counter groups were mobilizing.

But the state of disgruntlement and wanton ambitions of certain key countries have greatly accelerated this fragmentation development. It is a recombinant puzzle. Which 10 nations will break off from present global protocols, to form an independent group of 10 who are capable of dominating the world in these last days? As mentioned, conditions are indeed underway.

The trend of fragmentation contributes to the geopolitical fluidity of our times. Changes can happen very quickly.

(For more information on global fragmentation, see the recent article, “Restless Nations Jostling to Usher in the 10 Kings,” in the January 2024 magazine. In Part 2, we will examine the role of volatile elections in our day ushering in the 10-King era.)

Midnight Call - 10/2024

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