NORTH KOREA - Major Defense Treaty with Russia
North Korea ratified a major defense treaty with Russia stipulating mutual military aid, the North’s state media reported, as the U.S., South Korea and Ukraine say North Korea has sent thousands of troops to Russia to support its war against Ukraine.
Russia had completed the ratification of the treaty after it was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in June. It is considered both countries’ biggest defense deal since the end of the Cold War.
The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership treaty will take effect when both sides exchange documents on the ratification, the state-run Korean Central News Agency said.
The treaty requires both countries to use all available means to provide immediate military assistance if either is attacked. It also calls for the two countries to actively cooperate in efforts to establish a “just and multipolar new world order” and strengthen cooperation on various sectors including peaceful atomic energy, space, food supply, trade and economy.
Some observers speculate the treaty’s ratification in both countries could signal North Korea could formally enter the Russia-Ukraine war soon.
-apnews.com, 11 November 2024
Russia and North Korea have joined forces due to mutual interest and need, in opposition to the West, which has largely sanctioned these two countries, in light of the aggression toward Ukraine in Russia’s case, and toward South Korea (and the US) in North Korea’s. The idea that North Korea “could formally enter the Russia-Ukraine war soon” is no doubt worrisome to Europe and its allies.
For those familiar with Bible prophecy, one key phrase in this report catches the eye; namely, a “just and multipolar new world order.” This falls in line with Scripture, which states that there will be a “multipolar” 10-king New World Order, which will “have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast” (Revelation 17:13).
Until the Lord returns and establishes true peace in the Millennium, there will be “wars and rumors of wars,” and “nation [rising] against nation” (Matthew 24:6-7).-By K. Farmer