USA - Wikipedia Says ADL Unreliable
Wikipedia now lists the Anti-Defamation League as a ‘generally unreliable’ source on antisemitism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, while Al Jazeera—the Qatari-run media—is listed as “generally reliable.”
The Wikipedia community’s editors reached a consensus that the ADL as a source is “questionable” in most cases, and they say it should not be used except in “exceptional circumstances.”
The ADL was seen to be unreliable on all matters relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and antisemitism.
The reason given was “significant evidence that the ADL acts as a pro-Israeli advocacy group and has repeatedly published false and misleading statements as fact, un-retracted, regarding the Israel/Palestine conflict.”
In June, more than 40 Jewish groups signed a letter to the board of the Wikimedia Foundation, criticizing the then-possible classification of ADL as unreliable.
“Fundamentally, Wikipedia is stripping the Jewish community of the right to defend itself from the hatred that targets our community,” the groups wrote.
“We urge you to immediately launch an investigation into this decision and the motivations behind it, and to start the process for administrative reconsideration.”
Despite this, Al Jazeera continues to be “generally reliable.”
The IDF announced that six journalists actively working for Al Jazeera were members of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).
The IDF claimed to have documents that showed that the six men, all part of Hamas’s military wing, were employed simultaneously by the paper.
-www.jpost.com, 17 November 2024
Arno's Commentary
Wikipedia is an excellent research tool and is open to public correction and disagreement. However, while it definitely tries to be neutral, that is apparently not the case where Israel is concerned.
Of course, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is pro-Israel. What about Al Jazeera? There is undeniable evidence that some Al Jazeera journalists are active members of the murderous terrorist organization Hamas. As a result, Israel has banned the news outlet and revoked press passes for its journalists.
It seems all but impossible that any normal thinking person, organization, or new media outlet would not insist on continuously exposing Hamas and other affiliated terrorist groups as hate-induced organizations intent on committing genocide, with their slogan, “From the river to the sea, make Palestine free [of Jews].”
But the opposite is actually true: Israel has made their territory democratically free. Yet, there is still much Arab-occupied Israeli territory, which in due time needs to be liberated.