Spiritual Strength For Each Day
There have only been three people on earth who were perfectly healthy in body, soul and spirit: Adam and Eve before the fall of man, and Jesus. The first two people were perfect, without sin, until Satan deceived them. Jesus never sinned. He never hurt anyone through words or deeds. As He possessed a complete “No” to sin, He was not contaminated by the sins of the people around Him. Jesus was never a channel for sin but a terminus. He was apart from sin and did not participate in any doubtful things, yet He ate and drank with sinners, touched them with His blessed hands and healed many sick. Jesus, the Son of God, became a man like you and I. He was made like us in all things. He was tempted as we are, but in contrast to us, He never sinned. Jesus could say, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father” (John 14:9). Whoever receives Jesus in faith is changed back into the image of God, because he is transformed into the image of Jesus. This is God’s plan and goal with you!