Spiritual Strength For Each Day

“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him” (1 Thessalonians 4:14).

How is it possible for all born-again Christians to be gathered from among billions of people? What power is able to distinguish between those who will remain behind and those who will take part in the Rapture? This question was once put to Edison, the famous inventor of the electric light bulb. His learned colleagues asked him, “How can it be that only believers will go to meet the Lord?” He answered this with a simple illustration. He took a box with fine sand in it, added some iron particles and mixed them with the sand. Then he held a powerful magnet over the sandbox. The sand moved, but only the iron particles attached to the magnet. This is how it will be at the Rapture. All those who have the inner disposition, the connection with the Lamb of God, will be raptured. All others will be left behind on earth. What is the power behind this? The Rapture that we await will be a demonstration of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.  Those who do not believe in the resurrection cannot be raptured.


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