Galatians 2:20

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me” (Galatians 2:20).

Has your faith life been without authority up till now? Is it without impact? Perhaps you have to admit that this is the case. The reason for this is your self-assertion. Surrender your pride and your dishonest, selfish ego into the death of Jesus. You must reckon with the fact that you are crucified with Christ. This is not a theory but is based on solid assurance, just as it is a historical fact that Jesus died on the cross. The Lord will try you in this attitude of faith. People around you in your daily life will provoke you, challenge you, appeal to your pride and ambition, betray you, despise you, slander you. But these are all tools in God’s hand to prove whether you really are crucified with Christ. It must be revealed whether you will react as Jesus did, who, when He was provoked to come down from the cross, was silent and remained on the cross. This is the secret. Then your family will change, your whole environment, because you yourself have changed. Your Christianity is no longer powerless and colorless, for it is no longer a miserable theory but a living reality. Self-renunciation means Jesus-affirmation. Surrendering yourself into the death of Jesus leads to true life eternal.

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