Spiritual Strength For Each Day
“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18).
The power of light impressed me anew recently when I saw streetlights that shine brighter the darker it gets. They adjust automatically. Before the sun goes down, they hardly shine at all, but the more darkness falls over the town, the brighter they shine. When I saw this I thought, this is our situation in these end times, which get darker and darker. Our calling is, “Ye are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14).
Light is power. If the “bright light of the Gospel” has been lit in your heart, then the more the night comes upon us, the brighter it will shine. This does not apply to Christendom collectively. Religious Christianity can only produce synthetic light, which illuminated the darkness of heathenism. People are then “Christianized” but not evangelized. We as children of God today, more than any generation of the Church before us, have the task of letting our light shine brighter, for the darkness is increasing.