Spiritual Strength For Each Day

“But he answered her not a word” (Matthew 15:23).

From the Scriptures we know how this woman cried to the Lord for her sick and tormented daughter—and He did not answer a word. A few days of the New Year have passed already, but maybe the cry in your heart has not been answered, the cry for visible, tangible help. It seems as though the Lord is not answering you a word. But persist and you will receive the comfort you have been waiting for. Why didn’t the Lord answer the Canaanite woman immediately who had such great faith? Isn’t it hard and puzzling to read, “He answered her not a word”? Was there something the matter with her prayer? Was her request not urgent enough? Jesus Himself answers these questions in the affirmative when He says, “O woman, great is thy faith” (Matthew 15:28). And yet at first, He did not answer her a word. It is the Lord’s way to reveal to you His wonderful help in spite of His apparent immediate silence to your prayer. It may seem incomprehensible that the Lord is silent, especially during times of great need. But why is He silent? Answer: So in faith you may even more cling to the promises of your Lord. The moment is not too far when the Lord will no longer be silent, but will answer you, “with good words and comfortable words” (Zechariah 1:13).

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