Spiritual Strength For Each Day
“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first” (1 Thessalonians 4:16).
Now for a long time we, the Church, in unison with the Holy Spirit, yearningly exclaim, “Come soon, Lord Jesus.” Many may ask, why are you waiting, Lord? Let me, my dear reader, give you words with great confidence. His silence is nothing but the revelation of the fact that He will come soon in the clouds of heaven to take us into His presence. Therefore, be of good courage, dear brother and sister, those who are in great tribulation, even persecution. While He may be silent, He nevertheless hears your cry. He is waiting for your faith to be fully grounded. Then you will call and He will answer you personally, “Behold, here I am.” Then the dark night of temptation and tribulation will be overpowered by His unspeakable grace. Therefore, I beg you, do not cease to search and yearn for the Lord, even if you have not received the answer as yet. In the end, you will joyfully understand all that has occurred in your life. Cling even closer to His Word, for the waiting of the righteous results in utter joy. Jesus Himself answers, “Surely, I come quickly.”