Spiritual Strength For Each Day
“The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God” (Romans 8:16).
Assurance of salvation is the joyful consequence of rebirth. A wonderful assurance floods through the sinner who has come to Jesus, who has received forgiveness of his sins at the cross. Simultaneously he received the Holy Spirit there, and now this rock-like assurance fills him: “I have become a child of God.” Perhaps you are saying in surprise, “Can I know that?” We not only can know it, but we must know it, “…that ye may know that ye have eternal life” (1 John 5:13). Perhaps you have been on the “Christian” path for years, yet you have no assurance of salvation, no assurance of the forgiveness of your sins. How poor you are, in spite of everything!
Many people think it is Pharisaical when a person claims to be a child of God. We can only reply, “When I testify that I have assurance of salvation, I am only saying something that I cannot understand myself, for I was a miserable sinner. I have only one explanation for this assurance of salvation: God loved me and gave His Son for my sins on the accursed cross!”