Action For Israel
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Action for Israel is unique
It was after the Yom Kippur War in 1973, when the late Dr. Wim Malgo decided to support those families who had lost loved ones in the war. Others who were injured and therefore had a limited possibility of earning a living, received support from Action for Israel. This program has now continued for 42 years with one specific purpose in mind: blessing Israel.
One of our largest projects was the Assaf Harofeh Medical Center near Tel Aviv, where Midnight Call sponsored the construction of several buildings.
Later, we added other projects such as support of local churches which were in dire need, mainly because of the need to construct facilities to accommodate more believers.
Our co-workers in Haifa, the directors of Beth Shalom, Fredi and Beate Winkler, who have lived most of their life in Israel, are well qualified to determine where funds are needed most.
Important to emphasize is that our support of project or groups is given in the name of Jesus. It is a testimony that He is the reason, and He is our eternal goal.