Spiritual Strength For Each Day
“As it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).
Our present knowledge about what God, whom we love, has prepared for us is incomplete, but through the revelation of the Spirit we sense many of the unspeakable things that await us. There is, for instance, a deeper reason why you will no longer weep there. It is because there is no fear of change; you will be eternally safe in Him. Sin is excluded and you are included in His presence. You will live in a city that can never be destroyed. You will be refreshed by a river that never dries up, and you will pick fruit from a tree that never loses its leaves. All temporal things will disappear, but eternity will remain. Your immortality and bliss will last for as long as eternity lasts. You will then be with the Lord forever. A glorious, unspeakably blissful future awaits the sanctified. Cling all the more, then, to the One whom you do not yet see, but on whom you believe, and over whom you will rejoice unspeakably when you see Him as He is.