The Coming Muslim Invasion?

by Arno Froese

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#1071 Our Bible does not speak of a Muslim invasion, neither does it indicate that there will be such a danger, but it does speak of the invasion and dominance of Churchianity.

Product Description

#1071 Our Bible does not speak of a Muslim invasion, neither does it indicate that there will be such a danger, but it does speak of the invasion and dominance of Churchianity. Satan, the father of lies, the murderer from the beginning, has been very successful at deceiving the nations of the world into believing that if they can defeat their imagined enemy-in this case, international terrorism-then the world can live in peace and security.

It is not going to be Muhammad, but Antichrist who will sit in the temple of God: "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God" (2 Thessalonians 2:4). That is why we are admonished throughout Scripture not to be entangled with this world, but to follow Him who says, "I am the truth."

In this booklet, Arno Froese reveals some fascinating and controversial aspects on the issue of Muslim dominance, which stand in contrast to the often one-sided approach of the news media.

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Binding Staple
Pages 24
Author(s) Arno Froese
Publisher Midnightcall

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