Your Wish List
Norbert LiethAre you looking for peace? A perfect world? Freedom? Certainty? There’s One who can give you all of that and more. An invitation.
All Things New
Dr. Ron J. BigalkeWhen a person exclaims, “How long, O Lord?” that indicates the struggle to endure “various trials” with joy and endurance. Even when difficulties seem endless, God knows precisely when they will cease.
Midnight Call February 2025
• Four Encouragements to Keep Going
• How Does Evangelism Occur?
• What Do Arab Palestinians Want?
• First Space Docking Mission
• Dogma in Prophecy Today
SPAIN - Over 10,000 Migrants Died
Arno FroeseMore than 10,000 migrants died while trying to reach Spain by sea this year, a report released by a Spanish migration rights group said.
SOUTH KOREA - A ‘Super-Aged’ Society
K. FarmerSouth Korea has become a “super-aged” society with one in five people aged 65 or older underscoring the country’s deepening demographic crisis.
SAUDI ARABIA - Host of 2034 World Cup
Arno FroeseSoccer’s international governing body FIFA confirmed the locations for the next two men’s World Cups...
GEORGIA - To Be EU or Not to Be
Arno FroeseLive television coverage showed police in the former Soviet republic of Georgia beating and arresting an opposition leader during a raid on his party’s offices.
Emergent 10 Kings: Endtime Election Escapades – Part 2
Wilfred HahnThe Bible says that 10 kings will converge in the last days, just before or near the appearance of the Antichrist. We must make an obvious statement: These ten kings must all be males.
Emergent 10 Kings: Endtime Election Escapades – Part 1
Wilfred HahnIt will be obvious to most that the world faces tumultuous times. Major developments are coming into focus … visible for those who have “eyes to see.”
Climate Change and the Bible – Part 3
Wilfred HahnIt may be difficult to believe that such opposite views could exist in the modern world of science.
The borders of the Jewish State
Arno FroeseZechariah, as virtually all prophets, proclaims the merciless judgment of God upon His nation, but always concludes with comfort and hope for Israel.
The suffering of the Jews
Arno FroeseZechariah, as virtually all prophets, proclaims the merciless judgment of God upon His nation, but always concludes with comfort and hope for Israel.
Egypt’s extensive blackouts
Arno FroeseThe enemies’ desire to destroy Israel as a state causes the opposite to occur: Jews return to the land of their fathers, the Promised Land.