Product Description
Cover Story: The Sevenfold Descent and Ascent of Jesus – Part 1
By Norbert Lieth
Jesus didn’t consider it robbery to be equal to God, but He planned to descend. In the infinite eternity before us, the Father and the Son made the resolution. This agreement was a declaration of love to a fallen humanity, in order to win them back.
The Fundamental, Prophetic Power of Blood - By Wim Malgo (1922-1992)
Evil Incarnated - By Dr. Ron J. Bigalke
Money: Ends and Trends: Rapture Missed: Consequences for the Non-Raptured – Part 1 - By Wilfred Hahn
World Focus: WORLD, Intelligent Life on Earth a Fluke? - RUSSIA, “I Think, Therefore I Exist” - USA, Crime Rate Plunged Since 1990 - GERMANY, Rewrite History of Christianity? - AUSTRALIA, Children Bypass Age Limit on Social Media - VIETNAM, $8 Billion Rail Link to China
Action for Israel: The wonderful future of the people of Israel (Isaiah 61:9) - By Arno Froese
Fellow Laborers: An Inside Look at Midnight Call Ministries - By Arno Froese - USA
Just For You!: Are You Happy? - By Peter Malgo
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