#2239 From fossil, geologic, and historic evidence, and more, The Genesis Factor reinforces the validity of the scriptural account of Creation, the Great Flood, and the Tower of Babel.
#2237 A complete and visual record of discoveries, nations, inventions, and more from the creation of the world until 1987. (fold only)
#2236 A complete and visual record of discoveries, nations, inventions, and more from the creation of the world until 1987. (casebound)
#2234 A Rapid-Reference Directory of Religion and Spirituality in America.
#2224 Yoga – a “happy” movement of HEALTH? – or an unholy movement from HELL?
#2223 Ancient insights from the Song of Solomon, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes.
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#2211 An examination of ancient biblical prophecy and modern-day Middle East politics regarding Islam, Israel, and the nations.
#2209 Dr. Werner Gitt, one of the foremost creationist speakers in the world, uses his scientific expertise to show the unique design features of some of God's most captivating creations.
#2204 Ever wonder why there are so many different religions? Do they all basically teach the same thing?
#2203 Is it possible that current events today are setting the stage for a worldwide transformation? Economy, Government, and Religion in the Last Days.
#2194 Cult experts combine their extensive knowledge to give you quick, clear facts about 16 major false teachings of today.
#2091 The age in which we live is often marked by disturbing, unusual events. These spiritual currents are characterized by confusion and deception. The prevailing conditions in the world are in a certain sense a barometer for the spiritual effectiveness of the believers, who are the salt of the Earth.
#1072 Reveals how the Arab revolutions will hasten the establishment of the final world government under the auspices of democracy and the Antichrist.
#1071 Our Bible does not speak of a Muslim invasion, neither does it indicate that there will be such a danger, but it does speak of the invasion and dominance of Churchianity.
#1069 God cannot be taken by surprise at anything. He has His plan and will pursue it until its fulfillment, however much man fails.
#1067 Read about Satan’s plan to create peace and prosperity through deception!
#1064 Is it possible that democracy will lead to the ultimate denial of freedom, liberty and justice?
#1062 Serves as a guideline for believers who seek a deeper and closer relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord.
#1060 The Olivet Discourse took place only a few days before Jesus' death, and is one of the most important prophetic speeches in Scripture.
#1059 We know the authenticity and dependability of the Word of God, but do we know why the Bible is true?
#1058 One of the most threatening dangers to evangelical Christian churches today is Freemasonry.
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#1057 A refreshing look at the ancient prophecies illustrated by Nebuchadnezzar’s image, the four world powers, the ten horns and the climax of Antichrist’s dominion of planet Earth, followed by the establishment of God’s divinely ordained Kingdom.
#1055 Bible Prophecy is still being fulfilled until each of God's promises has come to pass.
#1053 What exactly was the vision that God gave Nebuchadnezzar and its significance for Christians?
#1050 This book goes beyond the September 11 atrocities and reveals several reasons for the great conflict between Christianity, Islam, and the tiny country in between—Israel.
#1047 Have you ever felt that, because your prayers were not immediately answered, God was disregarding you? God has loving purposes for your life and His faithfulness is present in all circumstances.
#1045 Creation, Sin, End of Life, Spiritual Fundamentals, Endtime Prophecy, Globalism or Patriotism, Bible Codes, Testimonials, Signs, Wonders, the Antichrist, False Doctrine, the Rapture, Eschatology, and much more…
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#1038 This book is an exhaustive, thorough examination of the subjects relating to what will be an unprecedented occurrence for the Church.
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#1030 There are true Christians and Christians in name only. Satan, the enemy of our souls, is the great master of confusion.
#1003 Defines the good, the acceptable, and the perfect will of God for the believer.